
Kuhn, Sarah

Summary: "Veronica Lodge has always been the most fabulous and popular kid in her class. But ever since she started middle school, she's become a small fish in a much bigger pond. Now, Veronica is terrified her classmates will find out her wealthy dad is out of work. Worse, she has a birthday coming up, and her parties are always huge, grand events. If she can't have a party this year, then everyone...

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Publisher / Publication Date: BuzzPop 2021

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Kuhn, Sarah

Summary: "Betty Cooper and Val Smith are best friends ready to start middle school. They've always done everything together--taken the same classes, played the same games, and created the world of Sparklespacelandia in Betty's backyard together--so naturally, Betty assumes they'll continue to be an unbreakable duo once the school year starts. But Val finds herself drawn toward pursuing a music elective,...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: BuzzPop 2020

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